now 23 has gone through several technology changes since its humble beginnings in 1997, as an information portal about the family. Here’s an overview for a journey through time for those that missed it:
- A throwback to the InterNIC and Network Solutions era, registrations used to be $100 USD for 2 years.
- This site was initially hosted on shared servers, moved to self-hosted, then developed into a blog circa April 2008.
- The hardware and software that it has continuously run the longest on (from December 2004 to April 2019) is a Dell PowerEdge 700 with an Intel Pentium IV processor running WordPress on FreeBSD.
- It built equity in terms of listings on portal sites, search engine popularity and links from other sites, that briefly attracted advertising in 2009.
- The site is additionally accessible over an IPv6-only network.
- Currently (since April 2019) it remains self-hosted on a Synology DS 1019+ and supports HTTP/2.